Mediocre Minds
Can average people have intelligent conversations? You tell me. New episodes released at indeterminate times! Reach out to us at mediocremindspodcast@gmail.com!!
141 episodes
Mediocre Minds Discuss Abigail's Birth and Becoming Parents
Bona and Joel talk about the birth of their baby, and what the first 7 weeks of parenthood has been like!
Season 7
Episode 1

Mediocre Minds Discuss Life Updates!
Many exciting things in store for Boel coming up! We also weigh in the recent assassination attempt on former president Trump :O
Season 6
Episode 13

Mediocre Minds Discuss our trip to Singapore!
Bona and Joel visit Singapore for the first time! The highs were high, but the lows were low, lol.
Season 6
Episode 12

Mediocre Minds Discuss the Israel-Palestine Conflict
We stand with Israel and adamantly condemn the actions of Hamas. They are a terrorist group that has caused great suffering and destruction to not only the Jewish people in the region, but also to their own citizens in Gaza.
Season 6
Episode 11

Mediocre Minds Discuss Fighting Animals and Winning??
Bona and Joel try to figure out if they could beat any animals in a one-on-one fight...no spoilers, but the odds were not good LOL.
Season 6
Episode 10

Mediocre Minds Discuss the Sewol Ferry Tragedy
Bona and Joel talk about one of the worst navel accidents in South Korean history. If you want a super detailed deep dive into the case, we would recommend you listen to Stephanie Soo's podcast episode on Rotten Mango, found on youtube and spot...
Season 6
Episode 9

Mediocre Minds Discuss Tiktok being Banned??
Bona and Joel talk about the potential banning of tiktok, and whether we're being spied on by the Chinese government, lol.
Season 6
Episode 8

Mediocre Minds Discuss Roald Dahl Censorship
Bona and Joel are enraged that classic children's books are getting edited to conform to more liberal ideology.
Season 6
Episode 7

Mediocre Minds Discuss AITA Sub-reddit
Bona and Joel read some AITA scenarios and discuss whether people are assholes or not, lol.
Season 6
Episode 6

Mediocre Minds Discuss Living with an Extrovert and Introvert
Bona is an extrovert, Joel is an introvert...they discuss what it's like trying to balance each other's preferences, and how they can grow and improve together!
Season 6
Episode 5

Mediocre Minds Discuss a War Movie
Bona and Joel talk about the Netflix movie "All Quiet on the Western Front" and reflect on the horrors and tragedies of wartimes, and mankind's bloody history during WWI and WWII.
Season 6
Episode 4

Mediocre Minds Discuss BLM: The Greatest Lie Ever Told
Bona and Joel discuss the new DailyWire documentary. If you want to watch it and want to borrow our subscription, just reach out!
Season 6
Episode 3

Mediocre Minds Discuss Feminism in TV and Movies
Bona and Joel rant for a while about how entertainment and female characters have gone downhill since feminism and wokeness have taken over.
Season 6
Episode 2

Mediocre Minds Discuss one of our Kittens Getting Injured :(
Bingsoo got into an accident, and Bona is scarred for life.
Season 6
Episode 1

Mediocre Minds Discuss Top Ten Lists (part 2)
(Sorry for the derpy audio - Bona's mic was not with it this day). Bona and Joel explore their top ten vegetables and condiments!
Season 5
Episode 30

Mediocre Minds Discuss Top Ten Lists
Bona and Joel go over some of their top ten things!! Stay tuned for part two as well!
Season 5
Episode 29

Mediocre Minds Discuss our New Kittens!
Bona sort of forced Joel to consent to bringing two new babies into the house...and here we are LOL.
Season 5
Episode 28

Mediocre Minds Discuss Roe v. Wade
Bona and Joel re-visit the issue of abortion, now that Roe v. Wade has been officially overturned. Disclaimer: some graphic descriptions of abortion were mentioned. We also got mildly incensed while discussing this topic, lol.
Season 5
Episode 27

Mediocre Minds Discuss Pet Peeves About Work
Bona and Joel get some things off their chests. We promise we like our jobs LOL, and we mean no disrespect to our patients or coworkers xD.
Season 5
Episode 26

Mediocre Minds Discuss Random Topics lol (Amber Heard Interview, BTS Hiatus!?)
Bona just wanted to release some verbal diarrhea on a Saturday morning, lol. Sorry for that visual.
Season 5
Episode 25

Mediocre Minds Wrap-up the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard Trial, and Discuss "What is a Woman?"
The end of a celebrity drama saga, and a discussion about a hilariously depressing documentary. Visit dailywire.com and subscribe to watch, or ask Bona for her log-in details, lol. We also used clips from one of Matt Walsh's youtub...
Season 5
Episode 24

Mediocre Minds Discuss Amber Heard's Cross Examination
Camille Vasquez completely eviscerated Amber Heard...it was a sight to behold. Disclaimer and trigger warning: Sensitive topics like sexual abuse, domestic violence, and drug and alcohol use are mentioned in this episode.
Season 5
Episode 23

Mediocre Minds Discuss Amber Heard's Testimony
I went in with an open mind...I was prepared to give Amber a fair shot...I was willing to set aside my bias and listen to her story. And I was both disappointed, but sadly not surprised. DISCLAIMER: Some descriptions and discussion of ...
Season 5
Episode 22